oxygen-laden英 ['ɒksɪdʒənl'eɪdn] 美 ['ɒksɪdʒənl'eɪdn]
Oxygen-laden traditional Chinese medicine fumigating instrumentStudy on the adsorption feature of ammonium nitrogen in the salt-laden sewage by the corn cob biocharDermatological agent for assisting the transport of oxygen in the skinPhospholipid-and fluorocarbon-containing cosmeticMinimization of Transient Emissions from Rotary Kiln IncineratorsPhospholipid-and fluorocarbon-containing cosmeticResponse of Microbial Community Function to Fluctuating Geochemical Conditions within a Legacy Radioactive Waste Trench EnvironmentMethod and unit for the purification of wastewater with aerobic granular sludgeSintered ceramic body for a spark plug insulator and method of sintering the sameHabitat for raising aquatic life