Oxygen Tank[ˈɔksidʒən tæŋk]
Oxygen tank
- An oxygen tank is a storage vessel for oxygen, which is either held under pressure in gas cylinders or as liquid oxygen in a cryogenic storage tank.
- As I was seated in the waiting room for an appointment with my doctor, a lady came in carrying a portable oxygen tank with tubes connected to her nose.
我坐在医生的候诊室里等候着,一位手提小型氧气筒的女士走进来,几条凌乱的胶管从氧气筒连到她的鼻孔里,这女士口中偶尔的发出喃喃咒语。 - Mountain climbers often carry oxygen tanks because the air is very thin at high altitudes.
Oxygen TankOxygen TankOxygen TankProduct Design Engineer Hannah Jenkins working to save eyesight for sufferers of diabetes.Oxygen tank, cigarette spark early-morning blazeLIQUID OXYGEN TANK THERMAL STRATIFICATIONFunctional brain mapping by blood oxygenlevel dependent contrastThird-Generation TB-LMTOSeasonal effects of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on sediment denitrification rates in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi RiverDelineating the effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on N transformation rates using laboratory mesocosmsDeterioration of water quality due to immersion of ganesh idols in the river Tapti at Surat (India).KAGIT HAMURU ÜRETİMİNDE ODUN POLYOSLARI (HEMİSELÜLOZLAR)OCEANOGRAPHY: METHODS