oxlip英 ['ɒksˌlɪp] 美 ['ɒksˌlɪp]
oxlip[ 'ɔkslip ]
The Oxlip in Britain - Is its future in doubt?Segregation of Floral Characters in the Wild Oxlip.Segregation of Floral Characters in the Wild Oxlip.On the specific identity of the primrose, oxlip, cowslip, and polyanthusRare flavones from the glandular leaf exudate of the oxlip, Primula elatior LThe correct Latin names for the Primrose and the Oxlip, Primula vulgaris Hudson and P. elatior (L.) Hill.Hybridisation between Oxlip Primula elatior (L.) Hill and Primrose P. vulgaris Hudson, and the identification of their variable hybr...STUDIES IN BRITISH PRIMULAS : I. HYBRIDIZATION BETWEEN PRIMROSE AND OXLIP (PRIMULA VULGARIS HUDS. AND P. ELATIOR SCHREB.)STUDIES IN BRITISH PRIMULAS. II. ECOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF PRIMROSE AND OXLIP (PRIMULA VULGARIS HUDS. AND P. ELATIOR SCHREB.)Natural hybridization in Britain between Primula vulgaris Huds. (the primrose) and P. elatior (L.) Hill (the oxlip)