oxidable英 ['ɒksɪdəbl] 美 ['ɒksɪdəbl]
Use of oxidable spinels for optical recordingCarbono oxidable. Una forma de medir la materia orgánica del sueloTreatment of oxidable gas generated from waste at a dumping areaStabilization of oxidable vitamins by flavonoid-based hydrogelsThe Effect of β-Oxidable and Non- β-Oxidable Thia Fatty Acids on Fatty Acid MetabolismThe effect of beta-oxidable and non-beta-oxidable thia fatty acids on fatty acid metabolism.Effects of Long-term Application of Fertilizers on The Contents and Oxidable Stability of Organic Matter in Albic SoilSolid state potentiometric sensor at medium temperatures (150–300°C) for detecting oxidable gaseous species in airEffects of Different Applications of Fertilizers to Lou Soil and Yellow Loamy soil on the Oxidable Stability of SoilLIPID PEROXIDATION RATES OF DPPC LIPOSOMES CONTAINING DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF OXIDABLE LIPIDS SHOW OPPOSITE DEPENDENCE WITH THE TEMPERA...