oxalis英 ['ɒksəlɪs] 美 ['ɒksəlɪs]
oxalis[ 'ɔksəlis ]
- n.any plant or flower of the genus Oxalis
同义词:sorrelwood sorrel
Anthocyanins from Oxalis triangularis as potential food colorants.THE BREAKDOWN OF TRIMORPHIC INCOMPATIBILITY IN OXALIS SECTION CORNICULATAEOrigins of domestication and polyploidy in oca (Oxalis tuberosa : Oxalidaceae): nrDNA ITS dataPhytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of Oxalis corniculata; a known medicinal plantIn-vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extract of Oxalis corniculata linnOrigins of domestication and polyploidy in oca (Oxalis Tuberosa: Oxalidaceae). 2. Chloroplast-expressed glutamine synthetase dataEvaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extract of Oxalis corniculataOrigins of Domestication and Polyploidy in OCA (Oxalis tuberosa; Oxalidaceae). 3. AFLP Data of OCA and Four Wild, Tuber-Bearing TaxaChloroplast-expressed glutamine synthetase (ncpGS): potential utility for phylogenetic studies with an example from Oxalis (Oxalidac...Sequence analysis of the 5.8S ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) from five species of the Oxalis tuberos...