ownership without usufruct英 [ˈəunəʃip wiˈðaut ˈju:sju(:)frʌkt] 美 [ˈonɚˌʃɪp wɪðˈaʊt ˈjuzəˌfrʌkt]
The selected aspects of the legal regulation of ownership and usufruct in the new geological and mining lawDiscussion on Law Bases for Conveying Ownership and Usufruct of Forest and Woods Analysis on Some Specific Problems of Scheme Compar...Assessments on Land Usufruct and Ownership in Anatolia during the 17th and 18th CenturiesOn Surmounting the Legal Difficulties for HousingWithout Real Estate OwnershipTaxation of Ownership Transfer of Property, Perpetual Usufruct Right to Land, Co-Operative Ownership Right to Residential Premises ...USUFRUCTThe Development Path of China Rural Collective Economic Organizations——Based on the Survey of 292 farmers in 8 provincesPRIVATE-PUBLIC DUALITY OF STATE OWNERSHIP OF WATER RESOURCEMIXED USE OF ENVIRONMENT AND COLLECTIVE USUFRUCT : A CASE STUDY IN MALAITA, SOLOMON ISLANDSA Study on Usufruct in Real Estate of Joint Ownership