Welsh industrialist and social reformer who founded cooperative communities (1771-1858)
同义词:Robert Owen
English comparative anatomist and paleontologist who was an opponent of Darwinism (1804-1892)
同义词:Sir Richard Owen
michael owen迈克尔·欧文(英格兰足球运动员)
owen hargreaves欧文·哈格里夫斯(英格兰足球运动员)
Hello, Mr. Owen. Mark Price speaking. What can I do for you? 喂,Owen先生。我是MarkPrice, 有什么事吗?
Hello. Ted Owen here. Is Mr. Mark Price in? 喂,我是TedOwen。MarkPrice先生在吗?
By no stretch of the imagination can I see Owen as a writer. 我无论如何想象不出欧文会成为一个作家。
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