ovoidal英 [əʊ'vɔɪdəl] 美 [oʊ'vɔɪdəl]
Ovoidal translation planesOvoidal Laguerre planes are weakly MiquelianOvals and non-ovoidal Laguerre planesThe ovoidal hyperplanes of a dual polar space of rank 4Characterization of ovoidal Laguerre planesSpreads obtained from ovoidal fibrations.PACKAGING FOR AN OVOIDAL BODY WITH EASY OPENING SYSTEMChoke-free flow in circular and ovoidal channelsTHE HYPERPLANES OF $DW(5,q)$ WITH NO OVOIDAL QUADShape Analysis of the Femoral Head: A Comparative Study Between Spherical, (Super)Ellipsoidal, and (Super)Ovoidal Shapes