Ovidian Personae in Statius's ThebaidChaucer's Ovidian arts of loveThe Ovidian \emph{Corpus}: Poetic Body and Poetic TextOvidian Myth and Sexual Deviance in Early Modern English LiteratureOvidian Homoerotics in Twelfth-Century Paris: The Letters of Leoninus, Poet and PolyphoneThe Ovidian Heroine as Author: Reading, Writing, and Community in the Heroides by L. FulkersonThe Ovidian Heroine as Author: Reading, Writing, and Community in the "Heroides"by Laurel FulkersonOvidian Transformation: Essays on Ovid's Metamorphoses and Its Reception by P. Hardie; A. Barchiesi; S. HindsOvid Renewed. Ovidian Influences on Literature and Art from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century by Charles MartindaleElizabethan Erotic Narratives: Irony and Pathos in the Ovidian Poetry of Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Their Contemporaries. by William...