v.使过度疲乏,使过度磨损( overwear的第三人称单数 );
THE WEARS EVOLUTION OF MARINE DIESEL ENGINE MAIN COMPONENTSBROUHAHA OVER BOOTS WEARS ON BUSINESS OWNER BALKS AT COMMITTEE'S PLAN TO HELP CURB ILLEGAL PARKING.(Local)PGA War over Who Wears the Trousers; DRIVEN OUT: WOMAN MANAGER'S SEXISM CLAIMOverwear of contact lenses: increased severity of clinical signs as a function of protein adsorptionSevere service control valveRowe wears priorities - and Blaine House ambition - on his sleeve ; Opponents chafe at his 'activism' and say he overanalyzes issues...Patient handoffs: standardized and reliable measurement tools remain elusive.Changing patterns of terminal care management in an intensive care unit.Rationing resources while improving quality.An introduction to the Bayesian analysis of clinical trials