overthrust英 ['əʊvəθrʌst] 美 ['oʊvəˌθrʌst]
overthrust fault掩冲断层;逆掩断层
overthrustOverthrustoverthrustMesozoic overthrust tectonics in south ChinaGeometric analysis of fold development in overthrust terranesCalculated temperatures in overthrust terrains and possible combinations of heat sources responsible for the Tertiary granites in th...ROLE OF FLUID PRESSURE IN MECHANICS OF OVERTHRUST FAULTINGI. MECHANICS OF FLUID-FILLED POROUS SOLIDS AND ITS APPLICATION TO OVERTHRU...ROLE OF FLUID PRESSURE IN MECHANICS OF OVERTHRUST FAULTING II. OVERTHRUST BELT IN GEOSYNCLINAL AREA OF WESTERN WYOMING IN LIGHT OF F...Fluid flow and volume loss during mylonitization: an origin for phyllonite in an overthrust setting, North Carolina U.S.A.Geodynamic models of emergent margin tectonics: Transition from rifted margin overthrust belt and consequences for foreland-basin de...