overstriking英 ['əʊvə'straɪkɪŋ] 美 ['oʊvə'straɪkɪŋ]
- In Numismatics overstrike refers to the image on a coin which has been coined more than once. Overstriking is done deliberately when the first strike is unsatisfactory, or accidentally if the blank slips out of place or if the dies judder, resulting in a slight doubling of the design.
- Overstriking the handicraft embroidered lines.
overstrikingoverstrikingAN OVERSTRIKING OF JUSTINIAN I AT ROMEAn Islamic Overstriking of a Punic Bronze CoinScale value outline overstriking drawing method of sign plateMETHOD TO MANAGE PRINT WHEEL CHANGES FOR OVERSTRIKINGRobust Designs for Directed Edge Overstriking CNNs with ApplicationsRobust Designs for Directed Edge Overstriking CNNs with ApplicationsThe crisis of small change in central Italy of the second and first centuries BC, and the function of overstrikingJeště k netradičnímu dokladu přeražby jednokrejcaru / Once more about unconventional evidence for overstriking of one-kreuzer ...