overstrict英 ['əʊvə'strɪkt] 美 ['oʊvə'strɪkt]
Thiamine-deficient encephalopathy due to excessive intake of isotonic drink or overstrict diet therapy in Japanese children.Linear maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over strict complete intersectionsUndercapitalized Firms and Liability: The Advantage of Softer Standards over Strict LiabilityA Metamodeling Framework for Promoting Flexibility and Creativity Over Strict Model ConformanceUK likely to lose battle over strict limits on bank bonusesThe Battle over Strict Scrutiny: Coalitional Conflict in the Rehnquist CourtCreative Priest Resigns over Strict Missal RequirementsFears that Sipp firms will drop out over strict capital rulesOverweight first-graders come from over strict parentsBrokers Surprised over Strict Regulatory Regime