overstressing英 ['əʊvə'stresɪŋ] 美 ['oʊvə'stresɪŋ]
overstress[ 'əuvə'stresiŋ ]
Effect of Overstressing and Understressing in FatigueAre we overstressing water quality in urinary stone disease?Semiconductor laser passivation and overstressingThe use of overstressing techniques to reduce the risk of subsequent brittle fractureACCELERATION OF CRACK GROWTH UNDER INTERMITTENT OVERSTRESSING IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTSFatigue crack growth acceleration due to intermittent overstressing in adhesively bonded CFRP jointsACCELERATION OF FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH UNDER INTERMITTENT OVERSTRESSING WITH DIFFERENT MEAN STRESS LEVELSMagnetic Barkhausen emission technique for detecting the overstressing during bending fatigue in case-carburised En36 steelArrangement and method for detecting a fatigue fracture of a bolted connection caused by overstressingOptimum design of fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical skirts for solid rocket cases subjected to buckling and overstressing const...