overshooting英 ['əʊvə'ʃu:tɪŋ] 美 ['oʊvə'ʃutɪŋ]
v.超过( overshoot的现在分词 );言过其实,夸张;
overshoot[ 'əuvə'ʃu:tiŋ ]
- n.an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
- v.
overshoot oneself弄巧成拙
overshoot the mark ◎越过目标,超出范围,做得过分 , ◎言过其实;太武断 , ◎犯错误,入歧途
- An overshot jaw.
上颌突出的嘴 - She clearly overshot the mark in her estimate of how long the job would last.
Exchange Rate Dynamics and the Overshooting HypothesisAsteroseismology of HD 129929: Core Overshooting and Nonrigid RotationMonitoring deep convection and convective overshooting with METEOSATExpectations and Commodity Price Dynamics: The Overshooting Model: CommentCapital Flows to Emerging Markets: Liberalization, Overshooting, and VolatilityCapital Flows to Emerging Markets: Liberalization, Overshooting, and VolatilityTransport and Storage of Magnetic Field by Overshooting Turbulent Compressible ConvectionTables of evolutionary star models from 0.85 to 120 solar masses with overshooting and mass lossSimulations of core convection in rotating A-type stars: Differential rotation and overshootingGrids of evolutionary models of massive stars with mass loss and overshooting - Properties of Wolf-Rayet stars sensitive to overshoo...