overseeding英 [əʊvə'si:dɪŋ] 美 [oʊvə'sidɪŋ]
Overseedingoverseeding:OverseedingOverseeding rye into corn reduces NO3 leaching and increases yields.Ice nucleation and overseeding of ice in volcanic cloudsIce nucleation and overseeding of ice in volcanic cloudsImpact of overseeding cool-season annual forages on spring regrowth of tifton 85 bermudagrassOverseeding Endophytic Perennial Ryegrass into Stands of Kentucky Bluegrass to Manage Bluegrass Billbug (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)An evaluation of cool-season turfgrasses for overseeding fairway and putting green bermudagrass.Overseeding Common Bermudagrass with Cool-Season Annuals to Increase Yield and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake in a Hay Field Fertili...Evaluation of cool-season turf species and planting techniques for overseeding bermudagrass golf greensNutrient availability in rangeland soils: influence of prescribed burning, herbaceous vegetation removal, overseeding with Bromus te...Herbicides for Desiccating Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum): Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) Pasture Sod Prior to Overseeding with A...