oversea assignment[ˌovɚˈsi əˈsaɪnmənt]
The influence of the spouse on American expatriate adjustment and intent to stay in Pacific Rim overseas assignments.Selection and Training of Personnel for Overseas AssignmentsAntecedents and Consequences of Employees’ Adjustment to Overseas Assignment: A Meta‐analytic ReviewExpatriate assignment versus overseas experience: Contrasting models of international human resource developmentAn Empirical Study of Canadian Technical Assistance: Adaptation and Effectiveness on Overseas AssignmentThe overseas assignment: A practical lookAntecedents and Consequences of Social Network Characteristics For Expatriate Adjustment and Performance in Overseas Assignments: Im...Adjustment to Overseas Assignment: A Meta-analytic ReviewThe Influence of the Spouse on Expatriate Adjustment and Intent to Stay in Overseas AssignmentsWhat Makes Hotel Expatriates Remain in Their Overseas Assignments: A Grounded Theory Study.