overlain英 [ˌəʊvəˈleɪn] 美 [ˌoʊvə'leɪn]
v.躺在…上面( overlie的过去分词 );
Method of driving 1-transistor type DRAM having an NMOS overlain on top of an SOI layerEvidence for enhanced phosphorus regeneration from marine sediments overlain by oxygen depleted watersBidirectional mixing in an ACE 1 marine boundary layer overlain by a second turbulent layerModeling stress development and fault slip in producing hydrocarbon reservoirs overlain by rock salt caprocksAnalytical studies of groundwater-head fluctuation in a coastal confined aquifer overlain by a semi-permeable layer with storageBiostratigraphic and Geochronologic Constraints on Early Animal EvolutionOcean anoxia and the concentrations of molybdenum and vanadium in seawaterVolcanic Rocks of the 1985 Tibet Geotraverse: Lhasa to GolmudCretaceous-Tertiary shortening, basin development, and volcanism in central TibetA Continuum-Mechanical Formulation for Shallow Polythermal Ice Sheets