v.(桥牌)叫牌叫得高( overcall的现在分词 );
overcall[ 'əuvəkɔ:l, ,əuvə'kɔ:l ]
- n.(bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent's bid (especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand)
Electromagnetic control device with manual operator and overcalling control meansOvercalling low-risk findings: grouped amorphous calcifications found at screening mammography associated with minimal cancer riskCT colonography interpretation: how to maximize polyp detection and minimize overcallingOvercalling secondary findingsOvercalling a teledermatology selfie: a new twist in a growing field.Risk Calculator Mires New Guidelines in Controversy: High-Profile Claims of Overcalling Risk Have Shaken Confidence in the Assessmen...Evidence for Interactions over Calling Sites between Males of the Frogs Ranidella signifera and R. ripariaAsymmetric competition over calling sites in two closely related treefrog speciesFAMILY FEUD OVER CALLING NAMES CONTINUES IN SILENCEOcean City's Martin Z. Mollusk hopes to bury claw with Louisiana over calling state swampy