outward journey英 [ˈautwəd ˈdʒə:ni] 美 [ˈaʊtwəd ˈdʒɚni]
- He got lost on the outward journey.
The journey inward and outward: A re-examination of Fuller's concerns-based model of teacher development.Short-distance homing in the golden hamster after a passive outward journey.Evidence for the use of magnetic outward-journey information in homing pigeonsThe Role of Outward Journey Information in the Orientation of Homing PigeonsPigeon Homing: Cues Detected During the Outward Journey Influence Initial OrientationPIGEON HOMING: OUTWARD JOURNEY DETOURS INFLUENCE THE INITIAL ORIENTATIONPIGEON HOMING: NO INFLUENCE OF OUTWARD-JOURNEY DETOURS ON INITIAL ORIENTATIONPIGEON HOMING: THE EFFECT OF OUTWARD-JOURNEY DETOURS ON ORIENTATIONEffect of Outward Journey in an Altered Magnetic Field on the Orientation of Young Homing PigeonsThe Role of “Outward-Journey Information” in Homing Experiments with Pigeons: New Data on Ontogeny of Navigation and General Survey