outvie英 ['aʊt'vaɪ] 美 ['aʊt'vaɪ]
outvie[ ,aut'vai ]
- v.be more of a rival than
When the Barefoot Shepherds Outvie Each Other in the Construction of Tall BuildingsEvaluation of thermal efficiency and energy conversion of thermoacoustic Stirling enginesImproved Clonal Selection Algorithm Combined with Ant Colony OptimizationRichard T. Ely: Lay Spokesman for the Social GospelEdward Said and the Work of the Critic: Speaking Truth to Power (review)The Extraordinary Case of the Blood-Drinking and Flesh-Eating CavaliersClayhanger - Book 3. His Freedom - Chapter 11. An HourNo. 080 (from The Spectator)XVIII. A Review of the Genus Combretum .High Efficient Secret Key Distillation for Long Distance Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution