outstate英 ['aʊtsteɪt] 美 ['aʊtsteɪt]
Outstate firms worth a look, tooNOTICE TO OUTSTATE MEMBERSOutstate universities launch Detroit satellites, plan outreachRegional Parks for Minnesota's Outstate Urban ComplexesOn Derge's Metropolitan and Outstate Legislative DelegationsMetropolitan and Outstate Alignments in Illinois and Missouri Legislative Delegations911 for rural pediatricians: outstate physicians tap expertise at Children's.Abstract P207: "Cool It": Therapeutic Hypothermia for Cardiac Arrest Patients Transferred From Outstate Emergency DepartmentsEntwined in the Complex Tapestry of Schooling: The Experience of Being Somali Newcomer Students in Outstate Minnesota High SchoolsEntwined in the Complex Tapestry of Schooling: The Experience of Being Somali Newcomer Students in Minnesota Outstate High Schools