outroot英 [aʊt'ru:t] 美 [aʊt'rut]
Outroot feeding of agricultursal plantsMouse out root sheath cells cultured on E‐cadherin‐coated dishes exhibit neuronal cell morphologyThe Out Root’s Calcium Influence on the Output and Birth Time of Apple TreesEffect of sowing rate and out-root fertilizer on legumes yieldHOW TO ROOT OUT ROOTKITSFree Tool Helps You Root Out RootkitsMouse out root sheath cells cultured on Eヽadherinヽoated dishes exhibit neuronal cell morphologyCompanies lining up to root out rootkitsARRANGEMENT FOR DIGGING-OUT ROOT VEGETABLESEffect of out-root application of macroelements and microelements on theuptake ability of luminous energy on the respiration and wat...