outlie英 [aʊt'laɪ] 美 [aʊt'laɪ]
Detecting rows and columns of contingency table, which outlie from a total positivity patternPENERAPAN METODE TRANSFORMASI LOGARITMA NATURAL DAN PARTIAL LEAST SQUARES UNTUK MEMPEROLEH MODEL BEBAS MULTIKOLINIER DAN OUTLIERComparison of UK paediatric cardiac surgical performance by analysis of routinely collected data 1984-96: was Bristol an outlier?Keywords: spatial data mining, feature selection, spatial databases, co-location rules, spatial autocorrelation, spatial outliersProvider Feedback about Imaging Appropriateness by Using Scores from Order Entry Decision Support: Raw Rates Misclassify OutliersOnline Detection of Anomalous Sub-trajectories: A Sliding Window Approach Based on Conformal Anomaly Detection and Local Outlier Fac...Online Detection of Anomalous Sub-trajectories: A Sliding Window Approach Based on Conformal Anomaly Detection and Local Outlier Fac...A hybrid approach for statistical process control using independent component analysis, support vector machine and local outlier fac...Data from: Is local selection so widespread in river organisms? Fractal geometry of river networks leads to high bias in outlier det...SNP Mining in Crassostrea gigas EST Data: Transferability to Four Other Crassostrea Species, Phylogenetic Inferences and Outlier SNP...