outlander英 ['aʊtˌlændə] 美 ['aʊtˌlændə]
outlander[ 'aut,lændə ]
outlander"OUTLANDER""OUTLANDER"Outlander 6: A Breath Of Snow And AshesOutlander: um olhar feminino sobre a sexualidade拨片换挡 Mitsubishi New OutLander心高志远 2006 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDEROutlander Algorithm Based on Integrated Aggressive Selection Method三菱—欧蓝德(OUTLANDER)的SWS系统和排放控制系统(下)针锋相对 SUBARU FORESTER MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER EXThe erotization of the male body in the television fiction. Outlander as a case studyConfrontational content, gendered gazes and the ethics of adaptation in Outlander and Game of Thrones“Sing Me a Song of a Lass That is Gone”: Myth and Meaning in the Starz Original Series Outlander