n.远足,郊游,短途旅行( outing的名词复数 );
Outings to Your Taste: A Nutrition Program for the ElderlyJourneys and Outings: a case study in David Malouf's closetFamily Outings: Disclosure Practices Among Adopted Youth With Gay and Lesbian ParentsPassing Through the Wall: On Outings, Exodus, Angels, and the ArkQueer outings: uncomfortable stories about the subjects of post‐structural school ethnographyImproving quality of life by increasing outings after stroke: study protocol for the Out-and-About trial.Parents and children consuming the city: geographies of family outings across class.Feasibility and Validity of a Wearable GPS Device for Measuring Outings after StrokeA Look at Tokyo Youth at Leisure: Towards the Design of New Media to Support Leisure OutingsEffect of phenological change in ornamental plants on the dates of spring outings to popular locations, Beijing, China