v.看透,智胜( outguess的第三人称单数 );
outguess[ ,aut'ɡes ]
- v.attempt to anticipate or predict
College librarian outguesses Ebert // Wisconsin woman wins Oscar contest, will go to CannesBusch Outguesses Rivals to WinLimit Theorems for Out-Guesses with Mean-Guided Second GuessingFootball game and apparatusSome Thoughts to the Construction of University Students’ Administration System Under the Legal ViewOn Shi Tiesheng—On Shi Tiesheng's Humanism in His ProseCREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A LIQUID "ALTERNATIVE BETA"INVESTMENT FUNDTowards a Notion of Unsatisfiable Cores for LTLTraining device for martial artists and boxersThe Wisdom of Multiple Guesses