outdoorsy英 ['aʊt'dɔ:zɪ] 美 ['aʊt'dɔzɪ]
outdoorsy[ ,aut'dɔ:zi ]
Outdoorsy BurgOutdoorsy TypeOUTDOORSY TYPESOutdoorsy Looks UNDER $100!You Can Do Outdoorsy ChicOutdoorsy retailer triples footprint10 gifts for the outdoorsy typeAmy Purdy Weds Longtime Boyfriend Daniel Gale in 'Outdoorsy' Idaho WeddingTips to snare patients: an outdoorsy magazine provides all the advice an optometrist needs. For example, watch where you point that ...Doodling for Tree Huggers & Nature Lovers: 50 Inspiring Doodle Prompts and Creative Exercises for Outdoorsy Types