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Cryogenic Air Breathing Apparatus and Liquid Air Fill Station for Outby Mine EscapeStudy of respirable dust outby the working face of a coal mine. Open file report (final) 30 June 1976-16 October 1978Time Outby Dan Leidig (review)Remarks regarding coal seam opened outby Mr. Brook at Compton, Old BeachWe Were Caught Outby Thieves on TrainLeone bought outby ArdaghWood Supply Trio Aim to Branch outBy Graeme KingCar Park Feels Onslaught; Sand Dumpwashed Outby Big TideThird Strike for Family; ANXIOUS WAIT: Farming Livelihood May Be Wiped Outby CycloneProcess for automatic control of one or more devices by voice commands or by real-time voice dialog and apparatus for carrying out t...