outbox英 [ˈaʊtbɒks] 美 [ˈaʊtbɑks]
用作名词(n.)- Now I know it is not appropriate to be called as Outbox Symptom.It is Sent Items Symptom.
称之为发件箱症状其实也不准确,应该叫已发送邮件症状。 - The Store driver on the Hub Transport server also adds messages from the Outbox of a sender on the Mailbox server to the transport pipeline.
outboxoutboxOutboxVoicemail outboxOutBox. Something in CommonCreating a Financial OutboxOutbox AG expandiert: Voice-over-IP-Lösung für Reseller und ISPsMarkkinointisuunnitelma : In/Out Media, OutboxStudy on the welding process of the CTB outbox prototype of ITERAmy Pascal Lands in Sony's Outbox ; Top Film Studio Executive Whose Emails Were Leaked in Hacking to Quit in MayIntegrated implementation of modelling, propagation and detection of worm in outbox attackerINTEGRATED IMPLEMENTATION OF MODELING, PROPAGATION AND DETECTION OF WORMS IN OUTBOX OF ATTACKERWho’d a-thunk it? The USPS used its coercive monopoly power to squash the digital mail startup Outbox?