2025-03-13 18:40:36
英 [aut ɔv wə:k] 美 [aʊt ʌv wɚk]
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    out-of-work[ 'autəv'wə:k ]

    • adj.not having a job

      同义词:idlejoblessout of work


    1. He allegeed illness as a resson for not going to work.
    2. For all that, still want to notice to avoid needless danger and loss, the electric equipment dump that does not work.


    Out of Work?
    "I Don't Feel Right Sized; I Feel Out-of-Work Sized."Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and the Unequal Costs of Displacement.
    A physically active occupation does not result in compensatory inactivity during out-of-work hours
    Goodbye to the News: How Out-of-Work Journalists Assess Enduring News Values and the New Media Landscape
    Portrait of the out-of-work scientist
    Out-of-School and Out-of-Work Youth in Latin America: A Persistent Problem in a Decade of Prosperity
    “I Don't Feel Right Sized; I Feel Out-of-Work Sized”
    The impact on health of employment and welfare transitions for those receiving out-of-work disability benefits in the UK
    Changing, Out-of-Work, Dead, and Reborn Gods in the Fiction of Neil Gaiman
    The overworked and the out-of-work : redistributing paid work, unpaid work and free time. /



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    operating activ... operating activities ...
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