out of fashion英 [aut ɔv ˈfæʃən] 美 [aʊt ʌv ˈfæʃən]
- The car raised a cloud of dust as it rushed past.
汽车开过时扬起一阵尘土。 - Most of mother's dresses were out of date now.
Out of FashionOUT OF FASHIONOut of Fashion?Facts and Myths about Research on Public Policy Implementation: Out-of-Fashion, Allegedly Dead, But Still Very Much Alive and RelevantOut of fashion: Non-proteomic research vying for attention.Radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies in tumour imaging and therapy: out of fashion?Is local sourcing out of fashion in the globalization era? Evidence from Italian mechanical industryEquity is out of fashion? An essay on autonomy and health policy in the individualized societyMDR1/ABCB1 polymorphisms and multidrug resistance in epilepsy: in and out of fashionPheasant spurs out of fashionPore-forming toxins: ancient, but never really out of fashion.Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: still not out of fashion.FISH mapping in cattle ( Bos taurus L.) is not yet out of fashion