abbr.other 其他的,别的;over the horizon 地平线以上;
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: a comparison between patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and patients with other im...Molecular Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory Infections Due to Bordetella pertussis and Other Bo...The colorimetric determination of leucine aminopeptidase in urine and serum of normal subjects and patients with cancer and other di...Do personal characteristics and cultural values that promote innovation, quality, and efficiency compete or complement each other?Ansari, B., Coates, P. J., Greenstein, B. D. & Hall, P. A.. In situ end-labeling detects DNA strand breaks in apoptosis and other ph...Honeycomb﹍ike structure of the intermediate layers of the rat superior colliculus, with additional observations in several other ma...The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of female Spermathecae and other mo...Heal Pelvic Pain: The Proven Stretching, Strengthening, And Nutrition Program For Relieving Pain, Incontinence,& I.B.S, And Other Sy...TNM staging of foregut (neuro)endocrine tumors: a consensus proposal including a grading system.TNM staging of midgut and hindgut (neuro) endocrine tumors: a consensus proposal including a grading system.