OTC英 [ ˌəʊ ti: 'si:] 美 [ ˌəʊ ti: 'si:]
abbr.objective, time, and cost 目标;ocean transshipment cargo 海洋运输货物;one-stop charter 单停出租;over the counter 柜台上
- adj.(of securities) not quoted on a stock exchange
otc market场外市场
otc drug 非处方药(Over-The-Counter Drug)
OTC derivatives outstandingShould birth control be OTC?OTC Derivatives: Bilateral Trading & Central ClearingAn Analysis of OTC Interest Rate Derivatives Transactions: Implications for Public ReportingImplied exchange rate distributions: evidence from OTC option markets 1The Treasury Department's Proposed Regulation of OTC Derivatives Clearing & SettlementEconomic consequences of SEC disclosure regulation: evidence from the OTC bulletin board ☆Questionnaire based survey on practicing OTC antimicrobials among 1st and 2nd year medical student of RIMS in Ranchi, IndiaEfficacy, side-effects and patients' acceptance of different bleaching techniques (OTC, in-office, at-home).Different standards for reporting ADRs to herbal remedies and conventional OTC medicines: face-to-face interviews with 515 users of ...