- n.seed shrimps
同义词:subclass Ostracoda
The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternary ResearchFreshwater Ostracoda of Western and Central EuropeCyprinotus incongruens (Ostracoda): an ancient asexual?Global diversity of ostracods (Ostracoda, Crustacea) in freshwaterSpeciation and Stasis in Marine Ostracoda: Climatic Modulation of EvolutionThe response of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda to heavy metal pollution in Gulf of Izmir (Eastern Aegean Sea)Persistence of asexuality through mixed reproduction in Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda)EVOLUTIONARY INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SEXUAL AND ALL‐FEMALE TAXA OF CYPRINOTUS (OSTRACODA: CYPRIDIDAE)Cenomanian–Early Turonian Ostracoda of the shallow marine carbonate platform sequence at west central Sinai: Biostratigraphy, paleo...Lake Qinghai, China: closed-basin like levels and the oxygen isotope record for ostracoda since the latest Pleistocene