osteon英 ['ɒstɪɒn] 美 ['ɒstɪɒn]
- Diagram of a typical long bone showing both compact (cortical) and cancellous (spongy) bone.
Morphology of the OsteonOsteon orientation of the diaphysis of the long bones in man.Morphology of the osteon. An electron microscopic studyAN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE STUDY OF OSTEON CALCIFICATION.Modeling Tracer Transport in an Osteon under Cyclic LoadingOsteon Remodeling Dynamics in Macaca mulatta: Normal Variation with Regard to Age, Sex, and Skeletal MaturityScanning acoustic microscope studies of the elastic properties of osteons and osteon lamellae.Assessment of composition and anisotropic elastic properties of secondary osteon lamellae.A fiber matrix model for fluid flow and streaming potentials in the canaliculi of an osteon.Strain-derived canalicular fluid flow regulates osteoclast activity in a remodelling osteon--a proposal.