osteogenetic英 [ˌɒstɪəʊdʒə'netɪk] 美 [ˌɒstɪoʊdʒə'netɪk]
Osteogenetic activity in composite grafts of demineralized compact bone and marrow.Monoclonal antibodies with human osteogenetic cell surface antigensOsteogenetic potency and new-bone formation by induction in transplants to the anterior chamber of the eyeThe osteogenetic potential of fracture haematoma. Subperiosteal and intramuscular transplantation of the haematoma.Promotion of the osteogenetic activity of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein by prostaglandin E1.Promotion of the osteogenetic activity of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein by basic fibroblast growth factorIn-situ visualization and quantification of mineralization of cultured osteogenetic cellsThe structure and development of osteogenetic repair tissue according to Ilizarov Technique in man. Characterization of extracellula...The effect of Choukroun's PRF on the proliferation and osteogenetic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells in vitroMizuno K, Mineo K, Tachibana T, et al. The osteogenetic potential of fracture haematoma. Subperiosteal and intramuscular transplanta...