osteoclasis英 [ˌɒstɪ'ɒkləsɪs] 美 [ˌɒstɪ'ɒkləsɪs]
osteoclasis[ ,ɔsti'ɔkləsis ]
- n.treatment of a skeletal deformity by intentionally fracturing a bone
Osteoclasis.OsteoclasisOsteoclasisOsteoclasis of the Upper Extremity in ChildrenOSTEOCLASIS FOR SUPINATION DEFORMITIES IN CHILDREN.A CHEMICAL VIEW OF OSTEOCLASIS BASED ON STUDIES WITH YTTRIUMAspergillosis of the lung with osteoclasis and paraplegiaUlnar nonunion after osteoclasis for rotational deformities of the forearmA surgical technique of radioulnar osteoclasis to correct severe forearm rotation deformities.The correction of angular deformities of long bones by osteotomy-osteoclasis.An electron microscopic study of osteocyte release during osteoclasis in mice of different ages.Biceps tendon rerouting and percutaneous osteoclasis in the treatment of supination deformity in obstetrical palsy.Morphological and histochemical observations on the lack of osteoclasis in the "tl"strain of rat