osteitis deformans
osteitis deformans [ di'fɔ:məns ]
- n.a disease of bone occurring in the middle aged and elderly; excessive bone destruction sometimes leading to bone pain and fractures and skeletal deformities
同义词:Paget's disease
Osteitis deformansOSTEITIS DEFORMANSOSTEITIS DEFORMANS.Paget's Disease of BoneSarcomas of bone complicating osteitis deformans (Paget's disease): fifty years' experience.Influence of disodium etidronate on clinical and laboratory manifestations of Paget's disease of bone (osteitis deformans).On a form of chronic inflammation of bones. (Osteitis deformans)Angioid streaks and disciform macular detachment in Pagets disease (osteitis deformans)Heart failure and bone blood flow in osteitis deformansPaget's Disease of Bone (Osteitis Deformans)Plasma Phosphatase in Osteitis Deformans and in other Diseases of BoneOsteitis Deformans (Paget's Disease of Bone)Osteitis deformans: Paget's disease of bone