abbr.observation systems simulation experiment 观测系统模拟实验;
OSSE observations of blazarsOSSE observations of blazars.OSSE Mapping of Galactic 511 keV Positron Annihilation Line Emission기상청 다중 도플러 레이더 바람장 산출 기법의 OSSE 검증An OSSE Framework Based on the Ensemble Square Root Kalman Filter for Evaluating the Impact of Data from Radar Networks on Thunderst...YEAR-TO-YEAR DYNAMICS OF AQUATIC HYPOMYCETES IN THE OSSE RIVER FED BY STREAMS IN SOUTHWESTERN FRANCE [French]Simultaneous X-ray and 7-ray observations of Cyg X-1 in the hard state by Ginga and OSSEThe average X-ray/gamma-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies from GINGA and OSSE and the origin of the cosmic X-ray backgroundA Comparison of Freeze–Dried Bone Allograft and Demineralized Freeze–Dried Bone Allograft in Human Periodontal Osseous D...Aggressive psammomatoid ossifying fibromas of the sinonasal region: a clinicopathologic study of a distinct group of fibro-osseous l...