osmunda英 [ɒz'mʌndə] 美 [ɒz'mʌndə]
OSMUNDAOsmundaOsmundaEvolution of the fern genus Osmunda.OSMUNDA WEHRII, A NEW SPECIES BASED ON PETRIFIED RHIZOMES FROM THE MIOCENE OF WASHINGTONOsmunda (Osmundaceae) from the Triassic of Antarctica: an example of evolutionary stasis.Karyotype analysis of five species in Osmunda (Osmundaceae)The Paraphyly of Osmunda is Confirmed by Phylogenetic Analyses of Seven Plastid LociThe Constituents of Osmunda spp. II. : A New Flavonol Glycoside of Osmunda asiaticaOsmunda vancouverensis sp. nov. (Osmundaceae), Permineralized Fertile Frond Segments from the Lower Cretaceous of British Columbia, ...Orientation and Locus of Tropic Photoreceptor Molecules in Spores of Botrytis and OsmundaComparative development of gametophytes of Osmunda lancea and O. japonica (osmundaceae): Adaptation of rheophilous fern gametophyteStructural evolution and flip-flop recombination of chloroplast DNA in the fern genus Osmunda