osmious英 ['ɒzmɪəs] 美 ['ɒzmɪrs]
XL. On osmious acid, and the position of osmium in the list of elementsMineral Composition and Osmium Isotopes of PGE Mineralization of Eastern Witwatersrand (South Africa)Structure and dynamics of magnetic reconnection for substorm onsets with Geotail observationsDistribution and abundance of insertion sequences among natural isolates of Escherichia coli.Genetic analysis of defecation in Caenorhabditis elegans.The Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Geological framework and mineralization processesQuantum-cascade laser measurements of stratospheric methane and nitrous oxide.Substorm injection of relativistic electrons to geosynchronous orbit during the great magnetic storm of March 24, 1991Alcohol Consumption and Young Adults' Socioeconomic StatusCritical illness, gastrointestinal complications, and medication therapy during enteral feeding in critically ill adult patients.