abbr.Order of St. Francis (天主教)方济各会;
The multinational Men's Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality (MALES) study: I. Prevalence oSf erectile dysfunction and related hea...Method and apparatus to make and transmit objects from a database on a server computer to a client computerMETI (Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) is irrational and should be abandonedPengembangan Vaksin Hepatitis B Generasi Ke Tiga dan Vaksin Terapi Berbasis Protein Rekombinan Subunit IndonesiaThe Circle-Radii Analogy in Plotinus, Proclus, and Damascius, and Its LegacyTable 1 in Frankenhuis et al., 2017, Evolutionary Behavioral SciencesAnalysis employee needs Lancang Kuning UniversityMASA DEPAN KAJIAN ISLAM DI INDONESIAThe Effect of Atmospheric Plasma on a Protein Thermal Shift Assay of Powdered Whey Protein IsolateData: A Critical Period for Second Language Acquisition: Evidence from 2/3 Million English Speakers