v.接吻,接触,有共同点( osculate的第三人称单数 );
osculate[ 'ɔskjuleit ]
Envelopes and osculates of Willmore surfacesThe infection rate and pathologic lesions induced by Proteocephalus osculates (Goeze, 1782) in European catfish (Silurus glanis) fro...Rev\^etements hyperelliptiques d-osculateurs et solitons elliptiques de la hi\'erarchie KdVMETAL BURNER MEMBRANEThe Unruh effect interpreted as a quantum noise channelModern geometry - methods and applications. Part 2: The geometry and topology of manifolds. Transl. from the Russian by Robert G. Bu...Urban Agglomerations,Circling-layering Economy and Upgrading of Industry Structure:An Analysis Based on the Theory of Economic Geogr...Experimental Study on the Height Effect on Raindrop Size in Splash MethodSimulation and Analysis of Hydrogen-fueled Engine CombustionDispersion laws of relativistic plasma with Fermi distribution