OS英 [ˌəʊ ˈes] 美 [ˌoʊ]
abbr.old style 西洋旧历;儒略历;Operating System 操作系统;
OS[ ɔs ]
mac osMac操作系统(苹果公司开发的)
Os sete saberes necessário à educação do futuroRe-Os Ages of Group IIA, IIIA, IVA, and IVB Iron Meteorites嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-ⅢseL4: formal verification of an OS kernelApplications and os: Wireless sensor networks for habitat monitoringG ∗ Power a general power analysis program for Macintosh OS and MS-DOSPESQUISA SOCIAL EM SERVIÇO SOCIAL E SUA APROXIMAÇÃO COM OS INDICADORES SOCIAISEnhancing transient fault tolerance in embedded systems through an OS task level redundancy approachAn update on the diagnosis and assessment of osteoporosis with densitometry. Committee of Scientific Advisors, International Osteopo...Induction and Activation of the Transcription Factor NFATc1 (NFAT2) Integrate RANKL Signaling in Terminal Differentiation of Osteocl...