orthotropous英 [ɔ:'θɒtrəpəs] 美 [ɔ'θɒtrəpəs]
- adj.(of a plant ovule) completely straight with the micropyle at the apex
Nguyen Dinh Duc (1992). The comparative analysis of some falure criterions on the sample of orthotropous graphite. J. “VECTNIK” of...Morphological and anatomical features associated with epiphytism among the pleurocarpous mosses — one basis for further research on...Erratum : Vascularisation de la fleur de Symplocarpus foetidus (Aracea...Rugaspermum stipitatus – A new species of the seed genus Rugaspermum pant & basu from the triassic of Nidpur, M. P., IndiaPseudoasterophyllites cretaceus from the Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of the Czech Republic: A possible link between Chloranthaceae and C...Reassesment of Pseudoasterophyllites cretaceus – an early representative of basal angiospermsGynoecium Structure and Evolution in Basal AngiospermsUpper Cretaceous (Senonian) floral structures of Juglandalean affinity containing Normapolles pollen. Rev Palaeobot PalynolChloranthaceae: reproductive structures and phylogenetic positionFloral structure and evolution of primitive angiosperms: recent advances