orthodromy英 [ɔ:'θɒdrəmɪ] 美 [ɔ'θɒdrəmɪ]
Orthodromy & Loxodromy of the Sphere (in French)Device indicating the direction of a given geographical locationNonlinear filtering of vehicle motion parameters in an integrated navigation system using electronic map dataTheoretical Errors on Airborne Measurements Of: Static Pressure, Impact Temperature,air Flow Angle, Air Flow SpeedInjury prior to neurectomy alters the pattern of autotomy in rats. Behavioral evidence of central neural plasticity.Influence of occlusal stabilization splint on the asymmetric activity of masticatory muscles in patients with temporomandibular dysf...Adenotonsillar diseaseNeuromuscular interaction of jaw and neck muscles during jaw clenchingUpstream migration and marine early life history of amphidromous gobies inferred from otolith increments and microchemistryApproccio gnatologico in un caso di microsomia emifacciale