orthochromatic英 [ˌɔ:θəkrə'mætɪk] 美 [ˌɔθəkrə'mætɪk]
- In chemistry orthochromatic refers to a dye or stain which does not change color on binding to a target as opposed to metachromatic stains which change color. In literal sense it comes from ortho ie straight or correct + chromatic ie colored.
orthochromaticorthochromaticorthochromaticThe dominant form of the pigmentary orthochromatic leukodystrophy.Pigmentary type of orthochromatic leukodystrophy (OLD): a new case with ultrastructural and biochemical study.A rare form of adult onset leukodystrophy: orthochromatic leukodystrophy with pigmented glia.Leucodystrophy with pigmented glial and scavenger cells (pigmentary type of orthochromatic leucodystrophy)Multidiscliplinary approach to cause and pathogenesis of an adult onset autosomal dominant orthochromatic leukodystrophyOn the dual nature and lack of specificity of intracytoplasmic inclusions in a case of adult onset orthochromatic leukodystrophy.On the Dual Nature and Lack of Specificity of Intracytoplasmic Inclusions in a Case of Adult Onset Orthochromatic Leukodystrophy Reply