orpington英 [ˈɔ:piŋtən] 美 [ˈɔrpɪŋtən]
orpington[ 'ɔ:piŋtən ]
- n.English breed of large chickens with white skin
Predicting Final Disposition after using the Orpington Prognostic ScorThe Orpington Prognostic Scale within the first 48 hours of admission as a predictor of outcome in ischemic stroke.Predicting final disposition after stroke using the Orpington Prognostic Score.Validación de la Escala de Orpington como instrumento pronóstico de la Enfermedad Cerebrovascular AgudaThe Orpington Prognostic Scale for patients with stroke: reliability and pilot predictive data for discharge destination and therape...Comparison of the Orpington Prognostic Scale (OPS) and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) for the prediction of ...Prediction of functional outcome after stroke: comparison of the Orpington Prognostic Scale and the NIH Stroke Scale.Recovery of the upper limb post ischaemic stroke and the predictive value of the Orpington Prognostic Score.Predicting response to rehabilitation in elderly patients with stroke using the Orpington Prognostic Scale and selected clinical var...Predicting stroke recovery: three- and six-month rates of patient-centered functional outcomes based on the orpington prognostic sca...