orometer英 [ɒ'rɒmɪtə] 美 [ɒ'rɒmətə]
orometerMetric/English orometerA simple fraorometer of the Duboscq type.Microcalorometers for Detection of Trace Energetic ChemicalsAutomated Pulsed Flu orometer with High Time Resolution and SensitivityIntegrating features of accelorometer based for tremor recognitionOn the Practical Use of the Aneroid Barometer as an OrometerMicromachined Fabrication and Characterization of Accelorometers Based on PZT Thin FilmsPerformance evaluation of the AVIV 206D Zinc Protoporphyrin Hematof1uorometer and application of ZPP to diagnose IDAA real-time angle deviation detection and measurement technique for straight line quadrocopter navigation using accelorometer